Thursday, April 25, 2013

A Glimmer of Light

 Donna Watson, Glimpse of Light, acrylic, collage, 20"x20"

NOTE:  There are a few openings left in my upcoming 4 day workshop in Coupeville, WA.
May 20-23.  PERSONAL EXPRESSION:  A Design Approach.  Coupeville is a small, beautiful town on the Puget Sound on Whidbey Island.  The workshop is for all mediums and styles of painting as the focus is on composition, design elements and principles and personal content and expression.
You will begin your search for your true self.  Go here for more information and to register.   

I am starting to see a glimmer of light in my studio.  I decided that the work BLOCK is such a negative word.  I am trying to look at what I am going through as a rebirth, a new opening, a
different new exciting path.

I want to unfold.
I don't want to stay folded
Anywhere, because where I am folded,
There I am a lie.
And I want my grasp of things 
True before you.  I want to
Describe myself 
Like a painting that I
Looked at closely for a 
Long time, like a saying that 
I finally understood,
Like the pitcher I use every day,
Like the face of my mother
Like a ship
That took me safely through
The wildest storm of all.
-- Rainer Maria Wilke


Tammie Lee said...

such beautiful thoughts on embracing a blocked stance. wishing you a lovely workshop.

Leslie Avon Miller said...

"a rebirth, a new opening, a
different new exciting path." Now that is exciting!

Glimpse of Light is a fabulous title and painting.

india flint said...

dang. if only i hadn't to rush back home earlier in May ... i would have seriously considered staying for your class.

Velma Bolyard said...

a huge YES!

Noela Mills said...

Thanks for sharing where you're at, Donna - makes me feel I am not alone as I too often 'don't let the energy flow'. Hope the workshop was inspirational for you - N X

RosieK said...

Sorry to hear about your struggles Donna - I think BLOCK is something all artists experience and it's truly horrible - illness is something else - I too have followed a similar diet as I experienced a long winter cough that I couldn't shift. Wish I was nearer to come on that workshop but the uk is just to far! All the best

Wen said...

Good luck with workshop. Sometimes a glimpse of light can happen in the most mundane circumstances. It sounds like your field has been made ready to recieve. Happy Spring!

Judy Shreve said...

Rilke's words always speak to the deepest part of us -- and yes, not a block, but a rebirth!
Wish I were close enough to be part of your workshop -

lyle baxter said...

Block should be labeled a dirty word! a new beginning sounds much softer! no square corners to get in your way! just wiggle in there and do your thing! we'll be thinking of you!sedBmpu

Valerianna said...

Yipee for glimmers of light!

That photo is amazing! I used to paint that image, I was obsessed with it. But when I moved from the coast to the forest, I couldn't paint oceans anymore. It took me FOREVER to find my roots in the forest in terms of making art. I tend to think of these times as important times of rest, like a fallow field, just before new seeds are planted and gestation begins. It's hard to follow organic and authentic creative flow when our culture is all about PRODUCE. My art dealer didn't like that I needed to be fallow and explore for a while and not produce good work. It impacted my career a LOT. But it also meant that I followed my truth and now I feel I am making work that fully integrates who I am and my relationship to where I live. Now its up to me to get my work back out there. Anyway, long comment.

Ruth Armitage said...

How happy I am to see you've changed your perspective! Congratulations :)

Unknown said...

Your glimpse of light gives me light as well, Donna - best, sus

iHanna said...

Beautiful collage - so here's to happy rebirth!

sukipoet said...

It is so important to re envion the words we say to ourselves and about ourselves.

Anonymous said...

A glimmer is sometimes all it takes to let us deeply know that light that is there.
Have a wonderful time with your workshop!

ArtPropelled said...

And what a glimmer it is! I love your new collage, Donna. Rejoice!

Sweetpea said...

This is a post I want to remember when I too, am stuck. Beautifully expressed, Donna ~ the images & Wilke's words are each strong & full of positive direction. Keep heart!

Petra Eller said...

hello donna,
a beautiful collage.. i like very much
i love circles so much- and so for me this circle in the middle of this collage is the glimmer of light .

Kathleen Botsford said...

Your collage "Imagine" sits on my studio wall.....I am in my own darkness. Hormones? Menopause? Stress-filled marriage? Who knows. My writing, jewelry and art sit patiently by. Waiting, waiting, waiting.

Fiona Dempster said...

I like that you changed how you saw it - and now it feels like a re-awakening after a long slumber, after winter hibernation...renewal. Small steps towards that glimmer...

Laura said...

Creative deep down real true hugs for you lady..Trust from inside to the outside and you can never go wrong.

annell4 said...

Each day we can begin again. I'm excited for you! You have what you need!

annell4 said...

A "block" suggests so many options! Go around, jump, push through, I'm pulling for you!

rivergardenstudio said...

Your glimmer of light is beautifully portrayed in your photograph Donna, and I am so happy your are finding a new opening into your art. Someday I will meet you in person, and someday take a workshop from you as well. This year I have been too busy teaching my own workshops, and I need to slow down... still loving every moment though.
take care, roxanne

nancy neva gagliano said...

thank you, Donna.....for sharing your truth. it's a universal, and speaks to me. pain and fatigue have leveled me at times....too much to see past that ole 'block'.... but, love the 'opening'... restored health, and that "crack in everything...that's how the light gets in" (L.Cohen)
best! to you!! you are perfect, and each day there's an opening, rest and be well and walk through it. and there you'll be. are.

Gaby Bee said...

A glimmer of light, a rebirth ... that sounds fantastic.
Your new collage looks wonderful Donna! Good luck with your workshop.

I wish you a wonderful art filled day!

Gaby xo

deborah from collagewhirl said...

Can't wait to see what comes of your rebirth! I hope to find the enso book you recommended to me. Your enso post a while ago was still in the back of my mind when I wrote my post:)

Seth said...

The collage, the photograph and the text all combine in such a powerful way. I love the concept of unfolding...which is exactly what appears to be happening to you!

Lucky Dip Lisa said...

I dropped by to say hi...hope you are shining and shimmering somewhere :)

annell4 said...

I am sending a copy of your blog to a friend of mine, as an example of a wonderful blog. I have been very busy, and have not been on the blog too much, but I wait for your next blog.

lyle baxter said...

donna, thinking of you and hope you have found your way and are just too busy painting to write! we miss seeing whats new with you!

Sherry Pierce Thurner said...

I look forward to the day when your light shines again.