Sunday, January 9, 2011

The time has arrived

During the holidays, this past November and December, my mantra was "I will do that in January". I will update my website, I will get caught up in the blog world, I will send out information about my upcoming workshop in April, I will start a new body of work.. so many goals, desires, wishes, hopes... all were put off until January. I have always viewed January as my new beginning-- blank canvas, blank calendar -- the beginning of my new goals. Well, it is now January. The first thing I did was take a look around at some of my favorite things and favorite quotes, looking for inspiration.

Old Japanese books, with worn torn covers

some more old worn Japanese books

DO OR DO NOT. THERE IS NO 'TRY'. - Master Yoda

old typeset wooden letters
Jump, and you will find out how to unfold your wings as you fall. -- Ray Bradbury

My collection of beach stones
Alas! must it ever be so? Do we stand in our own light, wherever we go, And fight our own shadows forever? -- Lord Edward Robert Bulwer-Lytton

Collection of bird eggs, bird skulls, bones
Be patient towards all that is unresolved in you and try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms, like books that are written in a very foreign tongue. Live the questions now. --
Rainer Maria Rilke

Old Japanese wooden boxes
The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that our aim is too low and we reach it. -- Michelangelo

Old gears, watch faces, rusty metal
You have to be available to the invisible voices that are swirling around you.-- George C. Wolf

Old maps, old scrolls, old papers waiting for inspiration.

I may not know who I am, but I know where I'm from. -- Wallace Stegner

After my favorite tea latte with chocolate sprinkles, and leftover sugar cookies on my favorite plate, I will get to work. I wish all my blog friends a successful, creative new year.


Leslie Avon Miller said...

I love the updated look of your blog Donna. Great header, and your side bar images of your art and photographs are a feast for the eyes.
Your workshop sounds like fun. And I like your rabbit plate too. Happy January to you!

Unknown said...

You have great collection inspirational stuff like old gears and maps etc. I have had like ten years some rusty metal stuff (little ones) and my huspand is sometimes wondering what I'm going to do with them, he doesn't understand that the stuff is waiting for something, what I don't know but they are not trash they are my treasures.
I hope you good wipes to work:)
Love Henrietta

ELFI said...

l'inspiration ne te manque pas, les objets sont beau.. mais le café au lait..brrr..! bon mois de janvier!

Unknown said...

Happy New Year, Donna! I hope you have lots of creative adventures this year. Ax

.Trudi Sissons said...

Love visiting your blog and revisiting your collections which I never tire of. I am the same - perceiving January as a chance to start anew and 2011, 365 new surprises in store.

Ian Foster said...

Donna, you have made a great start to the new year with your new look blog, (I love the header), but please keep the content as fascinating as ever. I wish you a happy and fulfilling 2011.

Teri said...

Donna, Donna, Donna!!! What an inspiration you are. I love all the collections you posted. There can never be too many collections in my opinion. My husband would disagree but who cares! And I have to know about that plate. I have a "thing" for objects with rabbits on them. Actually, I guess rabbits, roosters, and crows. They are a few of my favorite things. Can't wait to see what you have in store for us for the rest of the year if this is just January.

Anonymous said...

sitting in a pocket of 'PEACE' now Thank You.

Marlis said...

happy new year to you too donna! you are such an inspiration!

Diane said...

Love this all!!

amy of studio four corners said...

your pictures and quotes, are as always, very inspirational for me. yes, it is january - I have begun cleaning up the studio and also have a new idea for a collage series - can't wait to get started...
all the best to you in the new year

Anonymous said...

So glad you are back. You have been missed! Wishing you a year and more of creativity, health and vitality!

Noela Mills said...

Great to hear from you Donna - I have missed your lovely posts - But I understand how we need a break from time to time.xoxoxo

Wen said...

lovely. Each picture is a moment of zen. I adore the beach rocks and the rolls of paper make me want to reach into my screen and touch.

Kim Hambric said...

What wonderful collections. Your blog itself is a wonderful collection of photographs, quotes, inspirations and other bits of beauty.

Wishing you a wonderful 2011. I'm looking forward to your next post already.

Kirsty Hall said...

I always love reading your blog, Donna, thanks so much for this Monday inspiration.

lyle baxter said...

donna, I must have felt you at work last nite! I came looking for a new post! alas, no! but I did enjoy your website again! your inspiration photos are intriguing. I'd like to save all those photos somewhere and see what becomes of the collections!. thanks so much for a good start to the week!

Anna Mavromatis said...

Your "story board" post is THE most wonderful way to start the year; sharing it becomes a gift to all your friends!
Healthy, creative, happy 2011!

lynda Howells said...

Just LOVE ALL your Japanese papers, books and boxes. Beautiful and l am very jealousxx Love the new look ands as usual love your Artxxlynda

Dianne said...

What a wonderful and inspirational post... Thank you.

mansuetude said...

Do or Do Not there is no Try.

I keeping this like a rock in my pocket please, and Thank You.

envy your paper scroll map collection waiting. Love your plate too. Blessings on your entrance to new work.

Lisa said...

from the fresh new look of your blog it seems you are well on your way to accomplishing your goals.

i love your favorite plate...we've always had bunnies and they hold a special place in my heart.

thanks for an inspirational post filled with lovely photographs of your beautiful collections...

Valerianna said...

Today is my "begin again" day... last week of winter break from teaching, syllabi to update, things to organize and then hopefully claim the rest of the week for dreaming....

Your array of visual inspirations and quotes is a good way to start the day, thanks!

George said...

Wonderful quotes, Donna, and I love all of these things you collect. Just seeing them in photographs are a delight. Happy new year.

Anonymous said...

YOur collections are wonderful, your quotes even more thought provoking. I am glad you found some renewal time and am looking forward to you continued creative wonders. xox Corrine

annell4 said...

I loved your post. And may you finish all that you wish for January, and so much more! It will be the best of what is yet to come! Thanks

SusuPetal said...

The beauty of this post caresses my mind.
Thank you. And an inspirational new year for you, too!

Sally Tharpe Rowles said...

So inspiring. Thank you. Happy & creative new year to you too. Now to do....

Cynthia Schelzig said...

Wonderful images and inspiring words.....thanks, I needed that:)

Tess Kincaid said...

I always enjoy seeing what you're up to. Love the Yoda quote.

mano said...

wonderful and inspiring post!
I love the old worn japanese books and the letters very much and I'm looking forward to your next work. I wish you a happy and healthy new year with many ideas. mano

Max the Lobster said...

Wishing you a Happy and productive year, i love the type blocks and your new header. made me think!

Unknown said...

love your collage tools of inspiration!

Petra Eller said...

.Especially the paper -rolls and the rusty metall are my favorite.
But - love this all.
I look forward to all what you will show us here.
It is all inspired and so have a specially eye for those beautiful things.
I like it very well to come here and look.
greetings from bavaria

Carrie said...

What lovely collections! I especially love the birds eggs and skulls, they are fascinating. That picture looks like a work of art in itself, almost like a Joseph Cornell assemblage.

r.bohnenkamp said...

wonderful new post and header Donna!
I wish you much fun and creativity in the studio for the new year.

zendotstudio said...

As so many have said in these comments, you inspire me! I am uplifted from my slightly slothful self to head straight into the studio!

I love the Rilke quote and all your delicious collections. And yes the new blog look is striking. You are inspired as well as inspiring and I can feel the energy of the new year in your words. A deep bow to you!

Deborah said...

Lovely images of your collections and inspiring quotes. Happy New Year to you!

Laura said...

so many lovely "toys" to choose from Donna! Let the wild rumpus through your treasures and imagination begin!!! (well maybe a quiet wild rumpus...I imagine that suits you better ♥ )

sukipoet said...

Your collages shown are so interesting with the one square of realism via the photo.

All your inspiration materials are delicious.

Hope your show goes well. And that your new year is full of wonders.

Hmm, I think we shared tea time!

CERULEAN said...

What a beautiful collections. Wishing you a creative and inspiring year!

Hannah said...

You've surrounded yourself with such exquisite imagery and a delicious cup of tea--your goals are well supported! Especially with that lovely quote by Rilke: "Be patient with all that is unresolved within you and try to love the questions." These words reverberate in my heart because that is indeed what I am trying to do this year. I wish you a wonderful, abundant and playful time in the studio:)

Donna Iona Drozda said...

As always a visit here is food for heart and soul and eye and emotion...elegant, beautiful world you create.
Happy Newest Year!!

ArtPropelled said...

Yes, January is here and onward we go! This post is a good start to your blog year, Donna.I love the old worn Japanese books and boxes.

Anonymous said...

As always, your blog post is a true inspiration. Thank you.

All the best for the new year.

Barry said...

D- delicious images and of course a great reminder to keep collecting the bits - but themes are good. Strong clean zen lines to the blog - nice way to start 2011. Must have been something in the air F and I did a bit of an update of our blogs. May you create well and may your exhibition sell well. B

Unknown said...

What an inspired world you've created! It must be wonderful to live in it.

Cynthia Monica said...

What great quotes Donna, and what beautiful images to inspire one to begin a New Year of Creativity! Thank you!

Lucky Dip Lisa said...

Looks to me like you've made a good start and I really look forward to seeing where it all leads. Love the quote about learning how to unfold your wings.

Maryline said...

Love visiting your blog...Very nice atmosphere !
Feel like home : same rusty metal from the old railway station nearby and old chinese coins from my 10 years in Hong Kong, old chinese writing documents...
This is the place where I come to find some peace !
Thanks a lot and Happy new year to you !

Caterina Giglio said...

january is a looong month, so you have lots of time ... right? thanks for sharing your collections with us and your tea and cookies look wonderful and the bulwer lytton quote is wonderful!!

Anonymous said... best thing to being there Donna! Collectors heaven and Zen-like bliss!

nancy neva gagliano said...

aw, thanks dear blog friend!
perfect combination of images and quotations unraveling your inspirations and intentions.
the process and cycles, breathing in, letting out
...JUMP and fall and land perfectly!

(i will borrow bradbury's quote for the day)

nancy neva gagliano said...

and the new header seems to sing out your intentions...the mysteries of what's to come.

Di said...

Inspiring words, I hope you enjoyed you tea latte and that you were inspired. Best wishes too!

Susan M said...

I don't need to do any looking around for inspiration - your blog entry did it already!

Seth said...

The happiest of new years to you. And there is enough inspiration in this post to last all of 2011.

Suz said...

Wonderful quotes
truly wonderful and worth contemplating...
I love how you surround yourself with such beauty and wisdom
I love Dogen's quote about the moon
Let the New Year begin

Debrina said...

Donna - such a soulful posting, with all those wonderful quotes. I love January too - you're so right: it's a blank canvas and holds so much promise and hope! I've done just the same and started on my blog with some "key words" to get me focussing. Love your blog, Donna. Love your writing and your art!!

Don said...

Yes, a new beginning...more adventures.

Judy said...

Happiest of New Years, all your inspiration seems to equal mine too. Wish I was over there to do your workshop one day!

Emma said...

Thank you for your kind words. We are lucky to have such inspiration all around us & your chosen quotes are particularly resonant. I will jump (I am jumping!)

Bridgette Guerzon Mills said...

happy 2011 Donna! Wishing you a cozy and fulfillinf January. Mine is off to a rocky start, but working on turning things around!

Lovely post. I wish I could touch those old Japanese book covers :)

shayndel said...

I share some of the same faves, including the Rilke quote, and old Japanese papers and writing.
I love your rabbit plate, how perfect for the New Year!!! I`d love to share a latte (coffee for me:) and toast to the year with you--and a rabbit shaped cookie! Look forward to see your creations and shared musings as 2011 unfolds...

Deborah said...

What a WONDERFUL post!

Harnett-Hargrove said...

Much wonderful fodder for winter work. -J

Leovi said...

I love your inspiring collection of my favorites are the wheels of old watches. The quotations are all very good, but I choose to stay with some of the great poet Rainer Maria Rilke, if we had all questions answered What would life be?. Greetings.

david weir art said...

thats a great post Donna
This is going to be a great year

HeartFire said...

Donna, A wonderful post! Very inspiring, I love the invitation that the pictures pose. They are perfect shots of beauty and stillness but seem to draw me in and ask for action. Great quotes to go with them too...
Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

all of your collections are just to do for, donna. i love your japanese boxes, adore your gears and watch parts but of course you know that i am most in love with your bones and eggs (does that sound weird?).

are your gorgeous beach stones painted, or naturally encircled? i LOVE!

happy new year!!

Unknown said...

writing you from my husband's laptop...
this post
loving so many of the same things
thank you
for so much inspiration,

xox - eb.