Thursday, August 2, 2012

50 Shades of Nora

Donna Watson, collage, 8"x8"
Note:  I will be teaching a 5 day workshop in San Diego in September 10 through September 16th.
The title of the workshop is Personal Expression: A Design Approach.  This workshop is open to all aqueous mediums including collage... and open to those who consider themselves representational, abstract or non-objective artists.  The emphasis is on composition, design elements and principles and personal expression.  For more information go to

Nora Ephron was very, very funny.  Her passing on June 26th at age 71 spurred a flurry of tributes and testaments to her talent as a writer, director, blogger, playwright, foodie and feminist.  She lead the writing world with ardency, wit and example.
 Donna Watson, collage, 8"x8"
I recently came across some of her quotes from movies that I had seen in past years... but seeing the quotes in writing really struck me with the similarity to my own quirks.

"I'd like the pie heated and I don't want the ice cream on top, I want it on the side, and I'd like strawberry instead of vanilla if you have it, if not then no ice cream, just whipped cream but only if it is real: if its out of the can, then nothing."  Sally Albright (Meg Ryan) in When Harry Met Sally

I do the same thing in restaurants!  When I am ordering from a menu I will ask to leave out this and that and put this on the side and add that...  until there is not much left of the original dish.  My family used to make comments to me about this and now they have given up and just accept my quirks.

"I look out the window and I see lights and the skyline and the people on the street rushing around looking for action, love and the world's greatest chocolate chip cookie, and my heart does a little dance."  --- HEARTBURN 

 image by Donna Watson,  please note the chocolate chip cookie

Again, I do the same thing!  When I am traveling in cities or towns I will search for bakeries because I am always searching for the best chocolate chip cookie...  in the world!  And I have found 2 of the best chocolate chip cookies so far.  One is in the Birdcage Bakery in Soho in New York City.
The other is in Honolulu Hawaii.  I recently visited my mother and found the best chocolate chip cookie at Island Vintage Coffee Co. in the Royal Hawaiian Center in Waikiki.

my cat Suki, squeezed into a box too small for her, sleeping, put into this blog post just for the heck of it
Nora Ephron was a hybrid... she had a journalist's gift for observation and a humorist take on life.
She frequently told the story of the deathbed advice of her own mother, "Take notes".
Nora wore her achievements lightly.  And she had plenty of achievements.  With all of my hopes, and dreams, and goals in my art and my life, here is HER most famous quote from the movie WHEN HARRY MET SALLY:



Leslie Avon Miller said...

I burst out laughing when I read "I'll have what she had!" Who can forget it??!!

I would love to take your work shop- again. ;o)

india flint said...

it's one of my favourites too [along with "walk this way" from Young Frankenstein]

ELFI said...

je participerai volontiers..
un océan nous sépare!

Laura said...

so enjoy your perspective on life and the joy of things. thanks

lyle baxter said...

yes, laugh out loud! especially at "take notes" At my advanced age that is so appropriate! thank you for bringing the quotes to life and the perfect photos along with!atesends 10

ersimarina said...

Love and chocolate chip cookies belong together, no doubt about that! How can you look for one but not the other?

I wish I could attend your workshop and bring a heart-shaped bag full of chocolate chip cookies for everybody :)

Sharmon Davidson said...

The world is definitely poorer at the loss of Nora Ephron; thank goodness she has left so many wonderful words behind. You've written a lovely tribute to her; thank you for that.

I'm trying once again to catch up with my blog reading, and many times I haven't commented on yours, as I feel bad about being so far behind. I just wanted to let you know that I'm really loving your new collages, and the post on paths- wow! gorgeous photos and quotes, and really makes me want to visit Japan.

Lisa said...

a perfect tribute Donna!
agreed with India...that quote from Young Frankenstein is one of my favorites...
it is so important to see the lighter side of life and smile often!
thanks for the chuckles...

Unknown said...

Wish I lived close enough to attend your workshop, Donna. Thanks for starting my day with a smile at Nora Ephron's wit. Suki, too, doing the ridiculous as only cats can! -sus

Carol said...

Love your work and Nora's two-both so real. Thanks

Jennifer said...

What a wonderful tribute to an artist whose work we'll all remember...espeicially the lines from When Harry Met Sally. Who could possibly for them?

Emma said...

Famous lines indeed, how could we not want what she had!

zendotstudio said...

Dare I confess I don't know Nora Ephron's work? But you have offered a little bit of her that seems delicious and quirky, what more could we ask for in an artist?

I was just saying yesterday, it's so interesting the work that resonates with us, we all have special people whose work seems to have some direct line to our hearts and souls. Sounds like Nora was one for you.

As always your work and photos sync so well with your words.

Anonymous said...

What a perfect, heartwarming tribute Donna.
(I love hearing that you make collages of restaurant dishes!)
I wish I lived closer to be able to participate in your workshop - sounds wonderful. All the best with it.

mansuetude said...

its nice to find a few small restaurants that know how you like it without changing the menu.

There is an Amish run bakery on the way to NC mountains with good cc cookies, but I like some with a hint of anise in a small bakery in Boston's North End.

Sally might like to go to Rosie's in Cambridge Mass famous for "Chocolate orgasms." (am i allowed to say that online) Some people think it chocolate ecstasy --too much chocolate for me, but a good gimmick name for all incoming college students.

Nora would have found it funny or used it somewhere.

Carole Reid said...

Ha ha thanks Donna for making me laugh. Between "Ill have what she had" and Suki snuggled into the box I'm off to a good start. Your collages are stunning!

Velma Bolyard said...

one of the best lines-

ArtPropelled said...

Lol.... yes i remember the Harry met Sally line too.

annell4 said...

Lovely post as always...

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mano said...

a wonderful and adorable homage to a great woman!

rivergardenstudio said...

Very funny and sweet... I love what you wrote about yourself and that now your family just accepts you...

Petra Eller said...

very funny post ;)
i smile about the thing, when You put out this and that from a menu- i do sometimes the same. lol

oh my i was in San Diego last week.
so near but now so far again back in Germany.
wish You all the best for your workshop.
and again a wonderful collage from You

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Teri said...

I would love to take one of your workshops. If only SD was closer to me! I will keep my eyes glued on your blog to see if anything comes around close enough to me. Great post Donna!

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Sizun said...

Thank you for writing about Nora Ephron. I've always loved When Harry Met Sally because of its witty dialogue.