Flow into the knowledge that
what you are seeking
Finishes at the start, and with ending,
begins.--- Rainer Maria Rilke

"We plan our lives according to a dream that came to us in our childhood, and we find that life alters our plans. And yet, at the end, from a rare height, we also see that our dream was our fate. It's just that providence had other ideas as to how we would get there. Destiny plans a different route, or turns the dream around, as if it were a riddle, and fulfills the dream in ways we couldn't have expected." ----Ben Okri
Actually, I absconded with this quote from Robyn at Artpropelled. She has a wonderful blog which you can find here.
This quote is a perfect way to express my dream of traveling to Japan. I have had this dream for many years. I remember back in 1999-2000, when my son was in high school, I talked him into taking Japanese as a second language. My plan was that he would become my guide and interpreter when we traveled to Japan. Well, he graduated in 2000 and we never traveled to Japan. Every year I would talk about going to Japan. Every year. Well, finally that year has come. It is the year of the Ox. I have never been excited about being an Ox...the steadfast, patient, hard working, plodding up that hill Ox... boring. But this year, I am glad to be the Ox and I decided it is time to go to Japan. I am half Japanese and have always been attracted to Asian things. My gardens, home decor, clothing, jewelry are all Asian. But the main reason I want to go is for my aesthetics-- my art. I want to connect to my heritage in a deeper way. I have been searching for something in my work and I truly believe I may find the missing link in the temples, the stones, the carved and weathered wood in Japan. And Kyoto has many temples, shrines and gardens... and flea markets which will satisfy my love for collecting and shopping. Who could ask for a more beautiful place to fulfill my dream. I leave in a few days and will be home in two weeks. Sayonara for now....
"One’s destination is never a place, but a new way of seeing things." - Henry Miller
I am very excited and pleased for you Donna. I look forward to learning about your trip, the changes and your art once you return. Bon Voyage.
It is very nice seeing the things with which you surround yourself.
Though I have no roots to Japan or things Asian, I have always felt a close association with the East, more so than with my European-Germanic roots.
I fear the two weeks might not be enough, but it will have to do of course.
Your quote by Ben Okri, especially the line opener resounds with me. In general, I have found most of your quotes most though provoking.
Thank you
Enjoy your trip and I for one will look forward to hearing about it all.
Donna, I'm so happy for you. Your beautiful photographs make me wish I could go to Japan one day. My brother has been on a short trip and loved every minute of it.
Donna, I'm so excited for you, and can't wait to see the inspiration you return with. Though the concept of flying isn't appealing to me, I've always wanted to see Japan as well - both the futuristic city of Tokyo and the ancient shrines of Kyoto. Not to mention the ice village of Shimukappu:
Bon voyage!
Hello Donna
this is a beautiful post Donna, for the photographs of your appealing deck and bonsai, for the inclusions of haiku and the quotes, and for your own thoughts and feeling regarding this wonderful adventure you are embarking on.
I love the Ben Okri quote and have written it down to re-read. We do wonder sometimes if our lives have been derailed...not knowing where we are heading, but then we see later from the eagle's perspective that everything is just as it should be...
Remember to buy some high grade green tea on the Teramachi dori...at the market place...
Kyoto is a very easy place to get around and as a contrast to the temple crowds I suggest you climb up to the top of the hill overlooking Arashiyama to the tiny shrine and feel the calm and peace of the river...and don't forget to gong the bell...
I will be looking forward to hearing about all the treasure you find in Kyoto, treasures you bring back in your suitcase and those in your heart and spirit...
Have a safe and happy trip Donna
Happy days
“A good traveler has no fixed plans, and is not intent on arriving.” - Lao Tzu
safe travels...
What a great chance in your life to fulfill a dream! I hope you are enjoying every minute of it.
It found this very true, we all got our places that are our real homes.
Take care!
Have a lovely trip. Kyoto is my favourite city.
Are those photographs of your home? it is so beautiful!
I'm so glad you are finally getting to fulfill your dream. I hope it is everything you want it to be: have a wonderful time.
I am very envious of your trip to Japan, I am sure you will gain much inspiration from it, to say nothing of the ephemera I am sure you will collect. I wish you a safe and successful journey and look forward to hearing all about it on your return.
Safe travels, and to see the shrines and be a part of a Tea Ceremony, I'm envious ; )
Hope you find a lot, off the beaten path too. Seems when a traveler, I've found the most enjoyable and interesting times, off that beaten path ; )
Look forward to hearing about your travels.
We live vicariously. Your trip will broaden all our experiences. I find that many artists are attracted to eastern culture. There's something in that to unravel.
Donna, I so look forward to oyour blog posts, the art, the words, the thoughts. You will have much to share with us when you return from your trip. Enjoy every minute and soak up the inspiration. Hope your trip is wonderful.
I wish I knew how to say 'bon voyage' in Japanese! I know you will have a wonderful trip... enjoy, dear friend!
I'm so pleased for you...this is the perfect time for you and you will have so much to share when you return. I send you with my best wishes for a wonderful experience.
Thank you for sharing the quote, your beautiful garden and collections...always such a sweet pleasure to visit.
Thank you for the Rilke quote...perfect timing. I read it over and over again. So, I decided to put it on my blog, so that I can always find it. (with a link to your blog...) Happy travels! I hope you find what you are looking for.
Wow Donna love your photo's and have a wonderful trip.
I love your blog,I just joined as a follower of your blog.
Looking forward to reading what you have to share about your trip, best wishes to you. Hugs, Laura.
may your journey bring you all you dream of :)
Oh, it's surely going to be an adventure for you!
Modern Japanese and Finnish design has a lot of in common. Japanese artists visit Finland a lot, looking at design, architecture, fashion etc. Japanese pop-art is popular in Finland. Vice versa.
Take a lot of photos and let us share your magic moments!
Wishing you a save journey and I hope you find the connection and inspiration for even more beautiful future art and blogposts,
enjoy it!
Enjoy your trip! Enjoy your dream!
How wonderful to follow your dream! I hope the real thing is even better.
Have a wonderful trip - I'm sure you will enthusiastically and unrelentingly soak up all of the impressions, sensations and experiences which will infuse everything you produce from now on. Especially since you've waited for this for so long...
When I read your post, I can feel how you have created your life through your dream and now are bringing your dream to your life. What a wonderful journey it has been and continues to be when you/we can live/dream/create in this way.
Hi Donna, and PS
Yes, it's fascinating how the things call to us, and now the most exciting is that Kyoto is calling you!!!
Can't wait to hear about your adventures.
an-zen to tanoshii ryo-kyo o...
( that's my Long Island Japanese way of saying "to your safe and happy travels...)
Donna, I really enjoy your blog posts and I am so happy for you that you get to go to Japan and connect with your heritage! have a beautiful adventure!
i look forward to seeing Japan through your eyes. Bon Voyage! Bon Aventure!
What a wonderful adventure you are about to embark on. You have waited so long which I think will just add to the sweetness of the journey. And my sense is that you will return from this trip a changed person. Safe travels!!!
Donna, have a wonderful and safe journey. Strong connection through heritage, will make the trip a very special experience for you. Look forward to hearing all about it, when you return.
It is so great to hear of the trip you are going on and I am sure it will be one of growth, fullfillment and discovery for you. I can't wait to see the art that comes from it!
I descend from a line of Italians and I often wonder what sort of "Italian" I could bring into my art, how I could find that side of me. NZ European's don't have a distinct art form. Maori do but not so the european. Most of our families did not bring the traditions of the homelands with them. I wish you well on your journey! I will miss your peaceful and delicate artworks!
Sayonara. May your journey to your soul's home be as inspiring and beautiful as this post!
The quote is fantastic and resonates with me deeply at this time.
Your images and words are always soothing to my eyes and soul. I can feel your passion in both.
I wish you the trip of a lifetime and look forward to the art the experience brings forth.
Safe travels~
Your top image with rice papers is serene and glorious - it moves with hushed grace and wisdom...I love it.
Have a wonderful trip - our hearts will be with you.
Chado is just fabulous.
i LOVE chado! that is fantastic!!
have a wonderful, fabulous trip. i cannot wait to hear about and see all that you will share with us upon your return.
my first mind says, all beautiful and also, this: you don't know why you are going to Japan. Yet!
that is what i felt.
your world looks so balanced. there is a poet i know who would adore your bonsi collection.
best luck to your heart's journey.
I too am an Ox :)
I'm very happy for you that you are fulfilling your dream to visit Japan :)
Your garden is absolutely wonderful including your water view.
best of luck for a safe journey and I look forward to reading about it upon your return.
best wishes
Ribbon ;)
I can understand why that quote had to comwe with you from Art propelled.
It speaks of the inner drive..
I may abscond with it to have it tattooed on my shoulder.
My brother was married in Kyoto, go there and find your dreams.
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