Saturday, January 7, 2012

Announcements and Workshop

I will be teaching a 3 day workshop at the Dragonfly Gallery at Rosedale in Austin, Texas on February 17-19th, 2012. The name of the workshop is PERSONAL EXPRESSION: A Design Approach. This workshop is for all types of artists and painters (representational or abstract or non-objective) and all types of mediums. I will emphasize composition, design elements and principles, and personal content.

Participants are also welcome to explore collage, and hand painted rice papers. Go to their website here for more information or contact Nina Mihm at 512-420-9000.

I have also been invited to be a juror for THE ARTIST'S MAGAZINE 29th Annual Art Competition. The deadline for entries is April 2, 2012. I will be the juror for their Abstract/Experimental category. For more information and entry form go to their website here.

"May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who think's you're wonderful, and don't forget to make some art -- write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can. And I hope, somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself." --- Neil Gaiman


Magdalena said...

Oh Donna That is great news!
Congratulations to your workshop and to the juror job! Fantastic!

I will read the information about the contest and never know...

Have a lovely weekend..or what is left of it.

Ps. Thank you very much for your kind words at my little space...I really appreciate that you visit me! Thank You!

Jann Gougeon said...

Congratulations, Donna . . your aesthetics are amazing!

Judy Shreve said...

Yes - congratulations - and congrats to those lucky students! Your work is amazing!

henrietta (aka ani aka zani) said...

Happy New Year too Donna. How wonderful the quote is that you picked, read a book, be creative...what more could we do that would fulfill us. You work is a wonderful expression of the gesture as well. Yes, how lucky for the folks in Austin. cheers

JonesMoore Studio Art, Lisa JonesMoore said...

Sounds like a fabulous workshop, wish I could be there...

ZenDotStudio said...

good luck with your workshops! Hope there is some warm weather waiting for you in Texas!

love the Neil Gaiman quote. His this year's one was fun too, all about making mistakes!

Leslie Avon Miller said...

The workshop participants will be inspired by the experience. I hope you will be too. To paraphrase Mr. Gaiman, Workshop as only you can!

lyle baxter said...

I'll be there in spirit- wish it could be more! how wonderful that would be!

Carole Reid said...

Congratulations to you Donna. Your work is stunning.
And the quote is getting copied onto my studio wall. Happiness to you in 2012.

Ian Foster said...

Congratulations on your wonderful news.
How I would like to be able to attend your forthcoming workshop but I am afraid it is too far to come across the Atlantic and then a good way across the US. I will be thinking of you and look forward to seeing some images and a report on your blog.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful news, Donna.
Best wishes for the New Year.
I could do with a bit more of what Gaiman so perfectly calls "good madness" this year.

Barry said...

D-great way to start the year with a couple of gigs that recognise your talents - congratulations. And I love the ending of the quote - "surprise yourself" that will be a good thing to be open to. Go well. B

Valerianna said...

Lots of good stuff going on for you, it seems! I, too, love the ending of that quote "surprise yourself" - a good mantra!

ArtPropelled said...

If I could I would wing it across the ocean to attend your workshop Donna. Oh it would be so wonderful!

Anna Mavromatis said...

Wonderful for you, but most wonderful for the people attending! A great start to a successful 2012!

diane said...

I'm one of the lucky students and it's not coming a minute too soon. Thank you, Donna! I'm feeling inspired just knowing this class is in my future!

Anonymous said...

Happy New Year! If you weren’t so far away and I had the time, I would love to do your workshop Donna. I like that first painting. For me it represents the birth of a New Year and the going forward to encounter what may come - the unknown that is beyond the front edge of the foreground.

india flint said...

well that's the first time in my life i've wished i were closer to Austin, Texas in February!

ELFI said...

une très grande chance pour les participants..!

Deborah said...

Congratulations! A great start to the new year!

Don said...

Congrats...and good quote too! I'm looking forward to surprising myself and I wish the same for you.

Petra Eller said...

Hallo Donna

Congratulations for your great new Job and wish you lots of nice and hardworking students ...and a good time.

Sue said...

That's great news for you, Donna - I wish you well for your workshop and that you get a lot of inspiring students! Your artwork is so brilliant; and the quote is lovely.

Blue Sky Dreaming said...

Your quote by Neil Gaiman is so perfect...thank you...the best blessing for the New Year.
You have busy days ahead...I like Texas!

Renee Howell said...

congratulations! I am so happy for you and your students. Enjoy!

Jo Reimer said...

I enjoy all the work you've posted, Donna. Elegant and graceful and oh, so lovely.
You'll love working with Texans. They're nice people and I love the accent.
Congrats on having been selected as a juror for Artists Magazine.

nancy neva gagliano said...

good quiet madness here
as i begin a twelve week 'walk'
with a small group armed with cameras
led by a sensitive, intuitive soul
into the wilds
to "make love with light"
breathing in to follow my heart
and hold my camera steady.

Laura said...

wonderfully exciting news!!!

.Trudi Sissons said...

Congratulations Donna! You must be pleased!

eb said...

I am
in spirit
let me
lay out
the elements
hand maiden-like
are the torch
and I
you'll come
and we will
fresh air
and stripeys...

xox - eb.

Jill Zaheer said...

Congratulations on this wonderful opportunity for you and a what a gift it will be to your future students. Wish I lived closer to take your course! Love your works posted- the last painting is super! And thanks for including the quote- so love the words "kiss someone who thinks you're wonderful". What a great sentiment- and of course, love the part about not forgetting to art or write.... and live only as you can." Great thoughts for the new year. Hugs, xo jilly

Art Project said...

congratulations Donna, your art is so great, here the link to my best exhibition for women, read it please, you and friends are invited and is free!
WOMEN'S RIGHTS is our 4th Exhibition, thats Artists to Women Rights in Women in Art 4th
Artists lists to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd exhibitions was more than 100 artists from more than 20 countries !
PLEASE SUPPORT THIS EVENT!! take part as an artist or as a mail-artist, or so simple share this event to your friends and contacts !
ask for info to Noemi Silvera response to this mail :
Thank you and bests regards in advance

mansuetude said...

you're a blessing

magic to you and good madness too

rivergardenstudio said...

'sing or live only as you can' Donna, your art and you workshop and your juror opportunity. This year promises so much for you. I wish you time to sing and bask in the sunlight over the sound.


(how i wish i could take your workshop!)

Seth said...

What amazing and exciting opportunities here -- for you, your students and those who enter the competition. Enjoy all these adventures.