Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Bound by Nature

Autumn has come to my zen gardens.

The moment one gives close attention to anything, even a blade of grass, it becomes a mysterious, awesome, indescribably magnificent world in itself.
--- Henry Miller

Each of us literally chooses,
by his way of attending to things,
what sort of universe
he shall appear to himself to inhabit.
William James

I found this egret standing in the quiet, still water on the beach below my studio.

People usually consider walking on water or in thin air a miracle. But I think the real miracle is to walk on earth. Every day we are engaged in a miracle which we don't even recognize: a blue sky, white clouds, green leaves, the black, curious eyes of a child-- our own two eyes. All is a miracle. --- Thich Nhat Hahn

James Blackwell, from Australia, uses mixed media (natural materials) to create nature-based pods and vessels like the one above. Bushwalking in the Blue Mountains has become part of this artist's lifestyle. "I like to think of the valley floor as my art supply store!" You find more of his pods, vessels and baskets at his website here. He also has a wonderful blog here.

A broken bird's egg inspired these fragile paper bowls. Ann Symes lives by "woodland" which inspires her art works. "It wraps itself around me inviting close observation of textures, patterns, shapes, shadows... the opening and closing sequences of the seasons, decay and renewal."

Ann uses rusted papers to create collages for her Autumn series. You can find more of her wonderful art works at her website here.

full moon at dusk (view from my window)

When you start on a long journey, trees are trees, water is water, and mountains are mountains. After you have gone some distance, trees are no longer trees, water is no longer water, mountains are no longer mountains. But after you have traveled a great distance, trees are once again trees, water is once again water, mountains are once again mountains. ---
Zen Teaching


Leslie Avon Miller said...

Spending a few hours with an artist walking, looking and sharing what we see is one of my favorite things to do. Your images are wabi sabi beautiful.
Keepsake in your side bar is pulling me in to look more closely.

Anonymous said...

the paper bowls have my interest, and so intrigued by the pods created by
a fellow Aussie.

Lucky Dip Lisa said...

I love this post, your photos, the artworks, the quotes, the links I can hardly wait to follow...

zendotstudio said...

Your post is as delicious and calming as a misty autumn day. Love your quotes and the view from your window is stunning. I feel like I can see into the source of your beautifully serene art.

And as always you offer us new treasures to explore

Sizun said...

I just had a lovely time reading your post and exploring the links. (isn't the one to James Blackwell's website broken ?)

I fell in love with the paper egg shells... so inspiring !

Unknown said...

A broken bird's egg is just beautiful, so fragile and delicate. Henry Millers words are so true in this time of year, I see things different. You have unbelievable view from your window, you are so lucky to have that.
Thank you for many wonderful links again. You always give me much inspiration and energy to do and see more.
Have a nice day
Henrietta from Finland

Barry said...

D-love the colours appearing in your zen garden - just such a contrast of the reds against the greys of the stone; and the claer moon across the water - what a magnificent outlook you have - so peace giving. B

lyle baxter said...

my day is made-and its only 6:52am here in the eastern u.s. your post for today is, as ever ,delightful! I will be back several times. thanks for giving my day that pleasant glow!

Unknown said...

Thank you for another beautiful meditation which aids in clarity of thought that enhances creativity.

Carrie said...

A beautiful post. Your collages are stunning and very inspiring to me.

Gwen Buchanan said...

Donna, such a beautiful inspiring and meditative view from your window.. there is much evidence of this in your work..

annell4 said...

An other wonderful post. When I came to your site this morning, I was reminded you do critiques. I think it would be a good time for me. I am teaching myself bookbinding, and want to "be a book artist." I have been painting for five decades, and am in the studio everyday, to work. But I think when we are making a change it is probably good to get feedback. Thanks, I will send you some pics.

Ian Foster said...

An inspirational post as usual, I particularly like the work of Ann Symes, there is much to admire and emulate on her website.
I am interested to learn of your critique service, I think I would benefit greatly form this, will send images in due course.

Sharon Barfoot said...

A visit to your site is both restful and inspiring. Thank you for this lovely post and for introducing me to some wonderful artwork.

Suz said...

A Zen poem:

lovely post

Jo Reimer said...

Donna, I'm loving the use of the little tree photos in some of your new work and how you're building the collages with your grid format. You have been so blessed with remarkable creativity.

Lisa Ursu said...

I love the Henry Miller quote.
That shot of the full moon at dusk is beautiful.
Thanks for sharing this post Donna.

George said...

There's wonderful variety in this posting, Donna. I especially love the quotes, each of which is worth of a few minutes of meditation before moving on.

Cynthia Monica said...

The view from your studio is so beautiful...we hope to retire to Puget Sound, although we now live on the beautiful Sandy River...but their is something about the ocean that is so vast and mysterious....the quotes are lovely and I learned about new and wonderful artists. Thank you Donna for a such a serene post.

Leovi said...

Special selection of works, quotations, and texts on this post. I find all interesting, but I want to emphasize the beauty and sensitivity of the collage of Ann, I find fascinating. Please add your link, I will visit. Greetings.

Anna Mavromatis said...

Once again a post filled to the brim with inspiration!
Your collages format is mirrored in the way you built and compose your posts; the treasure you are giving to your readers in the form of links, quotes and images is incredible and I am grateful! Thank you!!!

Petra Eller said...

The photo from your Zen garden have such beautiful colors, I like to paint this colors in an image.The selection and composition of your posts are very inspirational to me. Thank you and greetings from Bavaria.

And the view from your window is so beautiful.

Valerianna said...

Inspiring post as always.. thanks for new artists to discover. The dusk photo is lovely as well. Happy bare-branch time.

nancy neva gagliano said...

"our own two eyes":

you lead us in 'seeing' more deeply.

pRiyA said...

I am glad Robyn directed me here. Such a beautiful blog - images and words. Will have to spend a lot more time here today...

pRiyA said... the way Kobi and Suki sleep...:) :)

Blue Sky Dreaming said...

So beautifully said 'autumn has come to my zen gardens'...without invitation without knowing when...autumn has arrived. The beach and egret speak of timelessness and the quotes and art as well.thank you for such a thoughtful post.

CERULEAN said...

Beautiful, inspiring post again, Donna. Thank you.

merci33 said...

As always there is so much here to bring a sense of calm and awe...the images are as glorious as the this post I can't choose which I love more...I so appreciate your artist eye.
Thanks Donna ;-)

ArtPropelled said...

Serenity .... I feel I should whisper so that I can hear the water trickling in your zen garden. Loving the quotes, the images and the red maple leaves.

Coffee Messiah said...

Beautiful works and the view of the moon = delicious.


india flint said...

all of it

Cynthia Schelzig said...

I love your art and the piece or pieces you show on your post...lovely fotos and wonderful always inspire....thanks so much:)

Di said...

Thanks again for a beautiful post and introduction to new artists

.Trudi Sissons said...

Hi Donna,
I followed your'balance' over to Missouri :0) and had to comment on what a pleasure it was to see the collection of your artwork continuously. I loved the flow of the grouping.

Anonymous said...

Lovely. As always.

Don Madden said...

just by looking at your images I lower my blood pressure.

Deborah said...

Lovely and thoughtful. "Each of us literally chooses, by his way of attending to things, what sort of universe he shall appear to himself to inhabit" is my new favorite quote.

Sharmon Davidson said...

I love the beautiful, thoughtful quotes. Thanks for once again introducing such talented artists. And I'm loving your pieces with the trees!

Shona Cole said...

oh what beautiful art work here. I came by via collage-making directory. so glad I did, your color palette is soothing.

Teri said...

Donna--This is probably a crazy question but I can't get it out of my mind. Is the moon just coming up (in the east) or setting (in the west)I am just trying to fix your location in my know...which direction your view it toward. I love your photos, you gardens, you aesthetics. Wonderful!

Clare Wassermann said...

I have discovered your blog today and will often visit. You are feeling what I am feeling. I adore your views - where are you I wonder?

Harnett-Hargrove said...

Inspirational, as always... -J

Daniel Dragomirescu said...

Dear Donna Watson,
Your blog and artistic work look interesting and original.
Congratulations from me and the editorial team of CHMagazine!
Daniel Dragomirescu, writer and editor

Naquillity said...

so many lovely photos & wonderful quotes to live by. great post. hope all is well.

rivergardenstudio said...

Oh Donna, everything here has moved me, the art and the quotes, and the paper vessels. Happy Thanksgiving to you. roxanne

herhimnbryn said...


Hannah said...

Your quotes on the top of this post capture the kind of appreciation I feel almost constantly during this autumn season-as if each day and the changing and swirling and dropping of leaves is a kind of miracle performed for our delight. I very much enjoyed the artists you paired with the quotes-there is such a gentleness and repsect in their work.

mansuetude said...

Love the photos so balanced wirh quit and shadows like ink.

Happy Thanksgiving Thank you for sharing You.

Mieke van Sambeeck said...

wonderfull again, I wish I had more time to reflect, it wil come I'm sure. For now I just enjoy your blog imensely, thank.

Sophie Munns said...

delightful to visit and muse my way through this gorgeous post Donna!
the quotes are worth thinking more on and the view from so close to your studio is sensational!

San said...

Yes, the real miracle is walking on the earth, with attention. Another attentive post, with much beauty to be absorbed. Thanks for pointing the way to more fine artists and for sharing a glimpse into the lovely setting in which you live, Donna.

shayndel said...

Your views are beautiful, the egret photo and the full moon photo have such a feeling to me of Japan:)
Love the quotes too, and so many details...

Laura said...

It's been so long since I stopped by happy I did many glorious offerings here:)

Don said...

Thanks for the walk in your world!

Seth said...

Thanks for the links and thge beauty of this entire post.

Tess Kincaid said...

Your view is magnificent! I especially like your image of the egret. We occasionally see herons that come up from the river. They look so otherworldly when they fly with their legs out behind.

claire said...

Such beautiful images.