I started a new series last week, based on the passage of time and how it effects memory. For several years, my paintings were based on the physical aspects of the passage of time in nature. I took digital pictures of some of my favorite collections from nature like bird nests, bird eggs, bones, fossils, and animal and bird skulls. I also used digital pictures of trees, rocks, and piles of driftwood. Now, I am exploring memory. The first thing I did was brainstorm a list of words.
Then I found an old list of words from several years ago (see The Passage of Time, part 1). I was surprised to see so much similarity between the two lists. Some of these new words have already become titles of my new paintings.
- quiet memory
- faded memory
- traces
- vestiges
- fragments
- remnants
- recollections
- fragile memory
- a remembered moment
- dwelling in light and shadow
I'm loving your work. Leslie pointed me here and I will be hanging out here a lot, I suspect!! Great stuff.
Congratulations on your new blog! I saw your comment on Seth's recent posting and was excited to meet you! Love your listing of words and your paintings- your passion for passage of time, layers and what results is much of what Seth's disintegration project is all about. Look forward to following your work and hope you enjoy and love your blog journey!
Thank you for all the welcomes, and the nice comments. I am looking forward to getting to meet and know all these creative artists.
lists are good...
Love that top piece! Amazing how the right words can conjure up a whole series. I created a series
I'm looking at the sidebar photo of you at work, surrounded by boxes with compartments of treasure. I have a "tool box" exactly like the one with the handle and it probably holds almost the same found objects.
Yes, I think we would like each others junk.
awesome!!! you are an inspiration for sure
found you off textures shapes and colors
and very glad i ventured over
terrific project!
Found you through Leslie,,and remembering when she featured you on her blog.
Your work is stunning,,,I'm especially loving "Imagined" on your website. Exquisite!
Welcome to Blogland Donna. I feel like an old friend even though you don't know me. I found your website several years ago while doing a general search on passage of time and mixed media art.
It is a little scary to read your post because I could have written it word for work. Our practices appear to be very parallel in intent and themes. Thankfully how we put it all together is different.
I look forward to getting a glimpse into your inner workings. Thanks to Leslie for the introduction to your blog.
Gorgeous paintings here. Love the limited color range. The first one is a knockout!!
Welcome to blogland and I just love your work found through Leslie! - I have become a follower and hope you'll have a look at what I get up to!
Your work is remarkable and your thoughts inspiring....I like your tones and compositions very much - they are peacefully busy.
Thanks for adding me - I will link you in my artist list, if you allow....
regards/ john
Astonishing. Your choice of Layers, perfect. Beautiful poem,references to memory in your work, in your blog. Painting might be the perfect expression. Have you seen War Kong Wai's film in the Mood for Love?
Like these paintings very much!!
Love all of these Donna! I also save phrases or words to use later. Many are the starting point for new creations. Every one on your list is so inspiring but I'm partial to remnants. ; )
Looking forward to your next post!
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